This is just a wonderful story. (use cpunks36/cpunks to log in. I think.)
Let’s see! Still weighing in at 190. I must put a piece of paper over the fudge that says 188 in big letters so that I’m forced to think about whether I *really* want that fudge right then, or if I *really* want to weigh 188 on Tuesday. :) Gymmed last night. 125 crunches, some floor work and some weights, 3 miles, and a blister on my achilles. Ow, ow ow. My left shoe exploded and, well, rubbed a stupid blister onto my heel. Stupid shoe. Guess I’m going shoe…
Man. I just got a little tiny, but meaningful, pop out of my neck. Whew. Very chipper this morning. Was invited to join a Luna authors email list and have done so. Have looked around at web pages and determined it’s really a pity I’m such a complete wanker at working for myself as a web designer, because boy there’s a lot of bad design out there, and people are apparently *paying* for the bad design. ‘course that makes me go look at good web design and get all depressed.…
Also, thanks to gymming, I have an Artful Lock of Hair that’s come loose from my, um, hair-holder claw thingies, and which is dangling down my cheek. I don’t think I could make it look this cute if I’d /tried/.
Went to the gym. Walked 3 miles, did some leg weights, did a bunch of floor work, and did some barre work. Am feeling all chipper now. Instead of feeling all winding-down, which I /should/ be, since it’s late. :) Let’s see. I got all my candies and cookies and whatnots made, and soon I’ll have them packaged up to send. Most of them, actually, are packaged now. I need to make an address label for Sarah’s Christmas present, and I need to wrap Ted’s family’s presents so we can…