
I really like this RotK countdown calendar, and not just because the delightful creator of it posted another Boromir photo just for me. *beam* While I’m posting cool stuff (I thought I’d posted this last night, but apparently I failed to save it): a medieval Irish gown, complete with construction history. I think it’s a /great/ gown. I sort of want one. Perhaps in another 50 pounds. :) I’m *cheerful* today. Maybe ’cause the sun’s shining. Oh, and I emailed Jennifer to say, ‘so what does ‘move quickly’ mean in…

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fun meme!

Fun meme that I got from . I know very little about some of the people on my friends’ list. (There are even some people I don’t know at all.) Take this opportunity to tell me a little something about yourself, anything at all. It doesn’t have to be inspiring or anything like that, just something I might not know. It’d be totally cool if everybody on my friends list did this, even you people I’ve known for a billion years. Then post this in your own journal. And no…

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thinks done today

Gymmed again tonight. Another 3 miles walked, and did some crunches and floor exercises. Ran out of time and so didn’t do any weights, but that’s okay. The reflection in the mirror has visibly changed shape even just this week; it has less tummy than it did five days ago. :) We’ll theoretically have an Emily tomorrow, as she’s coming in for a doctor’s appointment for her broken knee, so no gym, most likely. My goal at the moment is to get there 4 or 5 times a week. Lousy…

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Cold this morning. Didn’t get up to write, either, so I’ll have to do some writing this afternoon. Ted’s done with his finals and has one presentation left, and … um. Not a whole lot to talk about today, apparently. :) Heather’s miles to Rivendell: 364

not too bad

Not too bad a day. Snowman-making will have to be done tomorrow, since I didn’t today. At lunchtime, I think. :) I got 3 chapters of TB edited/typed in, for 50% Edit Credit at about 3300 words. Ted made a very yummy meatloaf, and I went to the gym after dinner. Saw Dad there and spent a while talking to him, thus cutting my workout down by 20 minutes *laugh* but I still got a pretty decent workout in. Walked 3 miles and did some floor exercises and lifted some…

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