A writerly what’s your story meme, taken from this discussion on witchqueen’s lj. Sarah and I got a particular kick out of it because it’s a topic we’ve discussed in some depth before. My fairy tale? Beauty and the Beast. My story? Redemption. A few days ago I read an article that said ‘The Last Samauri, like all Tom Cruise movies, is a story of redemption’, and I went, “Oh, well, no wonder I like Tom Cruise movies so much.” I’m a sucker for a good redemption story, whether it’s…
What’s your story?
A writerly what’s your story meme, taken from this discussion of ‘s. and I got a particular kick out of it because it’s a topic we’ve discussed in some depth before. My fairy tale? Beauty and the Beast. My story? Redemption. A few days ago I read an article that said ‘The Last Samauri, like all Tom Cruise movies, is a story of redemption’, and I went, “Oh, well, no wonder I like Tom Cruise movies so much.” I’m a sucker for a good redemption story, whether it’s individual, familial,…
oh, oh!
Oh, oh, I forgot to mention! Ted got his brown belt in Shoshen Ryu (a form of jujitsu) last night! Yay Ted! Yaaaaaay!
just stuff
I’ve got the music from Guys & Dolls stuck in my head this morning. I wonder if I’ve got the soundtrack up here, or if I’ve just got a jewel case mocking me with its monkey pants. Making bread. Mustn’t forget. I didn’t get up early to write for a second morning in a row. I think the whole exercise thing is making me a little more tired. I need to go to bed /early/ tonight, and I need to do some writing this afternoon. 2K or 2 chapters of…
Did I really not update today? Wow. How’d that happen? Oh, no, wait, I did, it’s still the 8th. Heh. Ahem. :) Went to the gym again tonight. *waves a little flag* Walked 3 miles, and did some floor exercises and hoo boy are my thighs stiff and sore tonight. And did some weights, although I don’t really feel like going through the bother of recording what-all I did, so I’m, er, not going to. Upper-body stuff, anyway. Saw Dad at the gym; he’s been going pretty regularly. Yay Dad!…