The Jeep seems to be okay. Ted thinks something had gotten frozen and got wet when it thawed (it’s warm out), and after he turned it off and turned it back on all the gauges were okay again, so he didn’t bring it to a mechanic. *gasp* He updated his blog! With … no truffle recipe. Snif. I’ll have to nag him about that. :)
Upgrade completed. Not as alarming as I made it out to be. Upgrading cemurphy now. And then to delete all the spam. *sigh* Gnork. Ted just called from the U and said all the gauges were out on the Jeep. This morning it inexplicably began honking, and now this. Wah! He’s going to poke at it and take it over to a mechanic. Gnork.
driver’s license
I weigh what my driver’s license says I do, this morning. Now, granted, my driver’s license says I weigh 190, so in some ways this is not a great accomplishment. On the other hand, it’s five pounds less than I’ve weighed in at least a couple of years and fifteen pounds less than I weighed a few months ago. And it feels like a GREAT PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIER, so I’m very happy. Perhaps now I’ll go get a driver’s license that says I weigh 175, or something. :) So I’ve lost…
*SHRIEK*!!!! So early last month I logged on to and paid for an account and stuff, and emailed, through their setup, my friend Gwen Lewis from high school with whom I had lost contact. I was hoping, anyway, that it was ‘my’ Gwen (although it seemed pretty likely, given that there was only one Gwen in my class). I just got email back from her! YAAAAAAAY! *happy dance, happy dance!* She lives in North Dakota now, and *wow* I’m glad to hear from her! YAAAAAY! *beam* *dancie dancie dance*!…
moveon politics
If you are the sort of person inclined to give money to help finance commercials against Bush’s corporately subsidized campaign donors but haven’t previously donated any money to them, this is a good week to do it. has a $20 matching grant against any $20 donation from a new donor. The content of the ads is along these lines: The ads are a seasonal and humorous dig at the out-of-control corporate subsidies to Bush’s campaign donors that can be found in this week’s Omnibus spending bill. Featuring President…