
Oh, this is really cool (literally!): they’re building an ice hotel at Chena Hot Springs in Fairbanks. We might have to drive out there to check it out when we go up around Christmas. That’s so cool!




Holy shit. O.O miles to Rivendell: 341

check it out!

Check it out! Ted now has a blog! *beam*

goodness. sorta busy.

Yesterday proved to be sort of busy, all unexpectedly. First there was the not getting up on time thing, as mentioned previously. Then there was the impulsive putting-together of Legion stuff in order to submit it again to Scriptapalooza and American Accolades, two tv-writing contests which Legion got nice comments from a couple-three years ago; we thought suddenly that perhaps it was time to run it up the ol’ flagpole again. What, as they say, the hell. And in re-reading Legion, I’ve discovered: *Damn*, it’s *good*! I’m taking time off…

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