
I have taken ‘ wife’s advice (and ‘s too, for that matter), based on the fact that she (niherlas’ wife, whose name I don’t know, hence the appellation) used to work at Del Rey and presumably knows whereof she speaks, and I have called the editor who has US to ask if she’s okay with multiple submissions. However, she’s out of the office until ‘next’ Thursday. From her voice mail, I think that ‘next’ is the 6th, rather than the 13th, so I left her voice mail and hopefully I’ll…

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way. too. early.

Way. Too. Early. I had to get up for a 7am meeting with our Irish clients. The particularly *horrible* thing is that it was the *second time* this morning that I had to get up early. Ted and I got up at 4:30, too, to bring Aberdeen to the airport. *glrrk* Hungry and tired now. Probably not really going to get to nap, either. Didn’t write last night. :P miles to Rivendell: 316


Too early to think, so here’s a quiz. You are Tara "Tell me if I said something wrong. Otherwise I know I’ll say it again — probably often and in public." What "Buffy" Character Are You?

good grief.

Good grief. Never rains but it pours. I just got email from Anna at Tor requesting the complete manuscript for URBAN SHAMAN. Which is at another house right now, which means I have to figure out what proper ettiquette is, now.

good grief

Good grief. Never rains but it pours. I just got email from Anna at Tor requesting the complete manuscript for URBAN SHAMAN. Which is at another house right now, which means I have to figure out what proper ettiquette is, now.