It’s NaNoWriMo! And, true to the NNWM spirit, I am writing pure crap! However, I’ve written 3867 words of pure crap in the last 2 days, which is a whole lot more than I’ve written in quite some time, and it can be fixed later. nanowrimo wordcount: 3,867 ytd wordcount: 217,200 miles to Rivendell: 312.5
It’s NaNoWriMo! And, true to the NNWM spirit, I am writing pure crap! However, I’ve written 3867 words of pure crap in the last 2 days, which is a whole lot more than I’ve written in quite some time, and it can be fixed later. nanowrimo wordcount: 3,867 ytd wordcount: 217,200 miles to Rivendell: 312.5
Oh dear God. I have an embarrassingly stupid homophonic error in the Angles manuscript. Worse than just having the error, it’s a QUOTED error. Quoting LEWIS CARROLL. Ceiling wax. Sealing wax. I have never, in my entire life, had any idea what ceiling wax was. Mortified.
This is cool. You can adopt an animal at the Alaska Zoo and help care for it. Maybe I’ll try to save up some dollars and adopt a porcupine or a raven. I like porcupines and ravens. Or a goshawk. One attacked me one time, you know. *solemn look* (I like Siberian tigers, too, but I don’t think I’ll be saving up a thousand dollars to adopt one. :))
Edvard Munch’s Scream: My Scream: Hee hee hee. :)