shout out

Who amongst my readers here is doing NaNoWriMo, I asked curiously? miles to Rivendell: 284


*Augh*. My cell phone just rang. My cell phone *never* rings. So I had this moment of sheer panic/hope, because TNH has my cell phone number and it’s not inconceivable that if she were going to call and offer me a book deal she’d use that number. It was a wrong number. I think I will go die in a pit now.


*Augh*. My cell phone just rang. My cell phone *never* rings. So I had this moment of sheer panic/hope, because TNH has my cell phone number and it’s not inconceivable that if she were going to call and offer me a book deal she’d use that number. It was a wrong number. I think I will go die in a pit now.

no time like the present

My brain’s going “do this *Monday*,” but if I do it Monday I won’t be breaking any eating rules over the weekend, and the point is to not allow myself Far Too Many Sweets over the weekend in particular, so, The Rules: 1. 1 sugar-sweet dessert a day 2. no sugar desserts after 7pm 3. caveat to #2: exceptions are permitted when dining with family

a little discussion on writing

Trip and I had a little conversation about writing tonight: Trip whispers “You are a very encouraging Kit!” Trip senses “Kit snorts. Yah, well, I like encouraging people I think are better writers than me. :)” You sense Trip waves his tentacles. Maybe he puts together a word and another word pretty well, but you are better at whole stories! Trip senses “Kit wibbles a hand. I’m more prolific, yeah. But I don’t think my writing’s as elegant as yours. :)” You whisper “But we can agree to both think…

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