Homina homina homina (sorry about the popups). Biked 15.5 miles last night. Beeeeeeeeooooooooteeful evening. Saw a momma moose with twin babbies. Pretty soon here I’m going to go fix my gallery software so I can upload all these pictures I’ve been taking. :) I had the pleasant experience, this morning, of being able to button a pair of newly-washed jeans without a struggle of any sort. There may be something to this weight-loss thing… miles to Mordor: 418.2
Ted and I just went to see Alex & Emma, which we probably enjoyed more than the movie is actually worth. It’s cute, but the great parts about it are how very well the Alex character, who is a writer, is written. If you know a writer and you don’t understand him, go watch this movie. It may not help you understand them any better, but honestly, writing is just like that. Ted even took a couple of hours out of reading Harry Potter to go see the movie with…
Everybody came over last night and Ted made his newly-invented Arctic lasagna, and it was very, *very* good. He also made stuffed mushrooms and garlic bread (actually Mom made that) and I made a very large amount of carrot cake, and it all went over well. Lots of fun. :) Then all the rich food rebelled in my system and the hours between 2 and 6am were sleepless, so I ended up sleeping until 11 this morning. Then I read the first in A Series of Unfortunate Events, which was…
*best* husband!
I have the VERY BEST husband! Since we moved into this house, I’ve been missing my leather clogs what I bought at the v. expensive shoe store in Santa Cruz. They are v. splendid clogs and fit my fat feet perfectly. I loves them, I do. But I couldn’t find them. And Ted has found them for me! I am happy! Yaaaay! It’s been a busy day. Got up late. Made bread. Shopped. Got a new jug (which immediately got chipped. sigh. Shaun fixed it, but this relationship is clearly…
et voila
Et voila. I have put together an S&3 for URBAN SHAMAN for an agent who is looking for paranormal, and an application for Viable Paradise, which is evidently still taking apps. Today, I feel like a confident writer! :)