How odd. Comment down there this morning asking if I’d be interested in writing a review for Cradle 2 the Grave for some of the movie websites. Huh. I’ll probably do it, of course. :) This morning’s political moment:’s got a petition they’re sending to the UN Security council asking the members to vote against the Iraqi war resolution. They’re trying to get 750,000 petitioners to sign and are already past 550,000. So if you’re inclined to sign, Now I have to go see if the puppy’s being…
I just took this here Star Trek personality test, which is actually based on the Myers-Briggs test, and which told me: Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ESFP (Extrovert, Sensor, Feeler, Perceiver). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Kathryn Janeway and Tom Paris. People like you are warm and social, impulsive, and unpredictable. You have a great zeal for life and are intensely aware of the world around you. You love to play and respond quickly to people who will play with you. You…
So out of the things I intended to accomplish yesterday, I … watched Buffy. :) Got the bills done this morning, and none of the other items have been much more than vaguely considered. C’est la vie. Today… I should swim, but I suspect I’ll walk instead, because 1. it’s a beautiful day, and 2. I haven’t quite resigned myself to rearranging my schedule so that I shower in the evenings at the pool instead of showering at home in the morning, and going and soaking my nice clean hair…
another test
This is a test to see if my server/mt is still screwed up…
Whew. In a fit of something, I sat down and wrote letters to all my Childreach kids today, which is something I should’ve done a VERY LONG TIME ago, but on this one I’ll grant myself better-late-than-never dispensation and move on. Furthermore, Marith, who is extra nifty, decided to sponsor a kid, too, so all around it’s been a fine afternoon! I think my other to-do items for today are go for a walk, finish reading a book, and perhaps write a synopsis for the Skylar book, which I think…