Better today. Not well, but better. I’ve managed to lose three pounds. Heh. o.o Sadly, one of the lights in the office is out, and I’m afraid if I try to change the light I’ll get dizzy and fall over, so I’m sort of sitting around in the semi-dark (I actually turned the overhead off and turned Ted’s florescent desk lamp on; now it’s buzzing, sigh). I need to go downstairs and get 1. food, 2. aspirin, 3. water. I’m feeling very much as if I don’t write things down…
still sick. :P
I’m hacking up horrible yellow gunk and coughing so much my ribs itch. I do not like being sick at all. Zilli seems to think that the new bed is especially for him. Aaaaand I would like you all to say hello to my friend Sarah, the NOVELIST! Sarah finished writing her first novel last night! YAAAAAAAAAAY SARAH!
five down…
3900 words written today. 67K words written total. 45 chapters. 353 pages, in double-spaced 12pt Courier font. One novel, finished. *very slightly smug look*
1690 words. I may be able to wrap it up in the next chapter, or it might take one more short epiloguey sort of chapter after that. I will finish tonight.