2600 words to the good (and hopefully at least some of them are good words) on the O’Leary’s story. Going to bed now; will write more (a whole frelling lot more, I hope) tomorrow.
sad day
My mom called this afternoon to tell me that David Forbes died of a heart attack today. This will not mean anything to most of the world, but Mr. Forbes was the man I always figured would be my substitute dad if anything ever happened to my parents. The Forbes’ were my parents’ best friends down in Kenai, and we lived next door to them for a significant chunk of my life. Liam, the oldest Forbes kid, is fifteen months older than me but I always sort of thought of…
Well, that’s better than it *was*. I have been popped. There is still pain, but I can breathe more easily now, so that’s better than it *was*. Also, Shaun gave Chantico a couple of ice cubes to chew on and she is the *happiest* puppy. *laugh* Shaun /also/ brought her a new bone home, so she has a big bone to wrestle around and gnaw on and romp and leap and jump at, so I am a very happy human as well. My cousin Alanna is in town! She’s got…
oh *god* ow
oh *god* ow. fresh new back spasms, getcher back spasms here! i’ve taken aspirin, am icing it, and have a chiro appointment in an hour, but ye gods and little freaking _fishies_.
Er, I have nothing to say. I just felt like I ought to post /something/, cause it’s morning or something. So, er, hi. :)