All dented! My teefs are sooooooooo clean. And the teef cleaning lady said that for the number of years it’d been since I saw a dentist (uh, seven) and the fact that I don’t floss nightly (she said, “Do you floss?” and I said, “Religiously, since last Thursday when my husband went to the dentist!”, and she laughed quite a lot. :)), my teeth were in pretty darned good shape. And then the dentist admired my teeth and next week I go in to have some sealants put onto 3…
Oop! I have to go be dented now!
did i mention
Did I mention that my hair has gotten to be the Annoying Length? Sometime Friday afternoon it suddenly hit the length of getting in the way. Falling in my eyes. Stuff like that. Very annoying. So I got little hair clippy things (again). These ones are gold and silver instead of black, so they look somewhat less spider-like. I feel cute in them. :)
the best friends
I have the best friends. Thus far they have donated almost three quarters of the funding I need for my Talkeetna bikeride next weekend (the 18th and 19th). Tonight I’m going to go around and hit up my neighbors. :) In the meantime, if you’d like to donate ten dollars, you can do it here. :) Please email me and let me know if you do! Thanks! (Really, that’s about all I have to say today. It’s raining. I’m hungry. Nothing real exciting.)
er, oop.
Oop. missed being social except to say hi, but that’s ok. There will no doubt be time later. :) Saturday I sat around and read all day, despite it being a beautiful day. I did not go bike riding at all. Today I hear my mother’s voice saying, “Go outside and play!” and me saying, “But Moooooooom! I’m READING!” And because it is grey and chillier today, I wish I’d listened to Mom. Except she didn’t say it yesterday. :) I got a cell phone. Ai! I also got two…