I went for a 9 mile bikeride. Yay me! Except I’m going to have to go get my bike fixed now, because I have no first gear range. Oop. But it was a nice ride! I biked out to the end of Northern Lights Blvd, where I’d never been before. It’s a lot easier to do some of those hills on the road than it is on the bike trail. O.O
Hah! Dentist appointments abound! Zilli at 4:10 Monday afternoon; Ted at 11:30am May 2nd, and Catie at 9am May 7th! I’ve only been trying to get around to doing this for about four years, so it’s quite an accomplishment. :)
good games!
Chantico and I found a good game to play this morning! We went out for (another) walk and I was standing around waiting for her and crunching the paper-thin ice on top of the mud puddles (which I have always thought was a good game), and Chantico thought that was a GREAT idea and leapt around going CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH POUNCE POUNCE POUNCE on the ice. *laugh* It was fun. :) Y’know, I wanted a dog in part so I would get out of the house more. I’m not sure…
she was looking kinda dumb
She was looking kinda dumb With her finger and her thumb In the shape of an L on her forehead! I actually woke up with that song in my head, or rather, it placed itself in my head very promptly, which was good because it’s the first song on my workout CD (well, actually, it’s the second, but the first one won’t play) and so it put me in the proper mood to go work out. Sort of. Anyway, I managed to go work out, at least. :) And now…
Chantico has this very funny habit of leaping into the snow, then sliding down hills on her belly with her feet extended in front of her. She’s going to be *so* disappointed when all the snow is gone. :) I didn’t get any *actual* work done this afternoon, but that’s the fault of my network guy who told me to download and run Norton AntiVirus, which took over an hour, so I started goofing around. You see the result.