*Gawd*, the puppy is Ms. Energetic today. She’s murdering her blanket right now. I hope she sticks with that. I don’t have to pay attention to what she’s doing when she does that. *laugh* She’s got her head stuck in it now, got herself almost all covered and is rooting around and snorting. Silly animal. :)
Man, what a headache. I guess I must not get them really all that often, because every time I get one I’m impressed with how much it sucks. Or maybe I just like to complain. *helpless laughter* I just looked at the top of my computer monitor, where I had this rather unflattering view of Lucy. This one is much cuter, although not nearly as funny. *more laughter* I think the aspirin I went upstairs and got is kicking in already. Yay for no food or something, although that’s probably…
Gnaaah. Chantico came upstairs at 7:20 or so — after Ted had left for work, so I have to assume that the overly-taped-up cardboard wall I put in place last night actually held the little darling all night, blessing of blessings — and was Incredibly Hyper Puppy, which continued as I brought her out, and then after I brought her in again. She gallumphed around and I let her, to the detriment of one of Ted’s comic books, the remains of which I spanked her with, causing her to finally…
Surprise visitor! Jai dropped by to return the first SiP GN and to talk. It was fun. :) I hope she manages to get some lunch, though. *laugh*
Owie! Well, actually, I’m a lot less sore than I thought I might be. My sitbones are a bit owie, since I went biking, and I can feel various and sundry muscles, but I’m not all that sore. That’s a good thing. I think. I totally failed to go swim this morning, thanks mostly to Chantico bounding upstairs at 5 minutes to 5 this morning. She did this because she needed to go outside and go to the bathroom, which she did very promptly when she was brought out. She…