Right, so, I’m trying to reduce my dependency on billionaire-owned social media, which mean I’m trying to increase my blog footprint again. I used to be good at blogging, but somewhere along the way, with all the short-post social media (and its instantaneous feedback, let’s be real, that’s super nice), I got well out of the habit of blogging and also, more relevantly, got to where I started feeling like multiple blog posts in a day (which I used to do all the time!) were…obnoxious. Bothersome. Too Much for readers.…
CITY OF HEROES is back!!!!!!!!!
GUYS! GUYS!!!!! The ONLY MMORPG I have EVER HAD ANY INTEREST IN IS BACK!!!! My BELOVED superhero game, City of Heroes, has been resurrected as City of Heroes: Homecoming after TWELVE YEARS! Officially licensed from the original creators, NCSoft, with five servers up and running! I AM SO EXCITED I ACTUALLY KEEP TEARING UP, GUYS, I AM SO HAPPY!!! I loved this game! For those of you who don’t know, it’s an original-world superhero game that launched in (apparently) 2004, and was hugely popular, but eventually shut down in large…
Recent Reads: The Dark is Rising
I have read THE DARK IS RISING many, many times in my life, far more than I can count (I mean, it’s probably a countable number, but it’s not like I have been counting!). It is, perhaps, not quite my favorite of the sequence (I have a soft spot for GREENWITCH, which was the first of them I read, and which features Jane quite heavily, which, I mean, like, y’know, female protagonist, so…), but I’m fairly willing to concede it’s the best of the series, arguably by a long shot.…
a bad haircut :(
I am currently growing my hair out in the sense of “I haven’t had it cut in six months and it was a pixie cut so that’s a lot of growing out,” rather than “I am deliberately growing my hair,” but it looked like, you know, like a pixie cut does after 6 months of not being cut, so Indy (who was in a similar situation but his hair was longer to begin with) and I went for haircuts yesterday. And since it’s January and my FRICKING HELIX PIERCING is…
borking my websites
So apparently for the new year I’ve decided to bork my websites. Not a great plan, overall, IMHO, but here we are. And, well, okay, I didn’t actually bork this one; I updated it, and think I’m vaguely happy with the look and feel for the moment, but I mean, god knows. Anyway, it’s the professional site that’s currently broken, and not even in a way that makes it unusable, just a way that is…utterly baffling. It might be due to having updated the PHP. It might…not be. I don’t…