an unexpected gift
I’m doing copy edits, which is the least fun part of anything, on SHAMAN RISES. They’re actually very light this time; the only real issue is that the copy editor and I have a violent disagreement over the Oxford comma (I am pro; she is con). Anyway, so I was reading along and suddenly something TOTALLY UNEXPECTED happened in the book! And then something else TOTALLY UNEXPECTED happened! And–it kept happening! I had completely forgotten all of the revisions that I’d done last summer, and I was sitting there reading…
Kitsnaps: Golden Tree
I took a walk through the Botanic Gardens this morning, where the sunrise caught the light on a gold-leafed tree above the pond.
Recent Reads: Lust for Life
LUST FOR LIFE is the fourth & final book in Jeri Smith-Ready’s WVMP Vampire Radio series. I have a conflicted relationship with these books; something happened in the 3rd book that I really did not want to happen, but I read the interstitial novella and book 4 because I wanted to see if Jeri (who is a friend of mine) did the only thing with the end of the series that I felt would justify the thing I really didn’t like. The answer is that she sort of did, which…
Kitsnaps: Gray Wolf
Gray Wolf: the December picture for the 2014 CE Murphy photographic calendar.