…but hoo boy did i have a Very Bad Weekend with regards to Dropbox. At this point I do not require assistance. I’m just regaling you with the tale of Catie’s Very Bad Dropbox Experience. So. I discovered late-ish last year that I had some kind of catastrophic Dropbox failure EARLY last year for things I don’t need 99.9% of the time, so I only discovered it months after the fact. Like, in the end, it turned out that nearly half my files were showing as zero bytes. To the…
Call of Cthulhu: Enter Teddy
For the past eight months or so I’ve been playing in an online Call of Cthulhu game which I did not intend to play in, because as you know if you know anything about Cthulhu as a game setting, first everybody gets really paranoid, then they go insane, and then they die, which didn’t sound like great fun, tbh. However, the GM then said the first adventure was going to be set in 1920s Peru, and…that sounded like too good a setting to pass up (and it was, he’s done…
Cover Reveal: DEMON HUNTS
Here is the new cover for DEMON HUNTS, Book Six of the Walker Papers! DEMON HUNTS will be re-released in April 2025! What consistently amazes me about the new covers for the Walker Papers is that I loved the original covers and it’s just impossible to imagine that the new ones can live up to the originals. But I really feel like they have, and I’m so happy with that. It’s really exciting for me to be able to get these books back out into the world with a really…
that was good for me!
I went AFK for most of last week to go help a friend out with some stuff, and I tell you what, I think that was really good for me. Partially the social activity, because although we were working on a thing it was very social, but a great deal of it was basically just being too busy to think about work at ALL, which was REALLY good for me. I spent all my free time either knitting or reading fic (I read a Cap/Bucky thing called 4 Minute Window…
Guys, I was so AFK last week that I basically missed my own book release, but the sixth Dublin Driver book is now available! (That should be a magic link that will take you to your retailer of choice. :)) This is book, um. I’ve lost count. Fifty………four? Three? Crap, now I have to go count. Fifty-four! Whoa! :D Anyway, please spread the word, let everybody know, have a good old time! :D Dublin limo driver Megan Malone plans to make the most of her time off—but as she soon…