Not, infuriatingly, in alphabetical order, because my books aren’t that organized right now, grr. There are several I’ve got on my e-reader that I’m not going to list right now because it’s too much effort to turn it on, and some I’ll hopefully get for Christmas, but yeah. There’s already 50 books on this list and that’s not including (save one) the GGK re-reread. And then in 2015 I will read ALL THE BOOKS BY PEOPLE I KNOW that I am not caught up on, because gawd. Seriously, if I…
weird random posts
Sorry about weird random posts showing up, guys. We’re doing some website work and odd things are getting pushed out. It’ll stop soon. :)
a TBRS year
I think I’m declaring 2014 as a To-Be-Read-Shelf year. I can read or re-read anything I own, but no buying new books until I’ve cleared out most of what I’ve collected. (EasterCon and World Fantasy added an awful lot to the TBR shelf.) Possibly I’ll go so far as to go around and make a list of what’s *on* the shelf, to keep a sort of focused order to things. Or not. I’m still going to do the GGK re-read, starting in January with the Fionavar Tapestry, and think it…
the travails of writing
So a couple nights ago I sat down to work on STONE’S THROE and came to a moment when I needed to describe Amelia’s motorcycle. I went looking for a picture, and…well, I found one. Except it became clear as I read about it that the in-character-defined motorcycle…basically didn’t exist. Even in 1917. It was essentially a prototype, hand-built in 1909 by a kid in Italy to pursue a racing career. Over the next fifteen years or so he developed a line that went into mass production in the 20s…
kickstarter goodies!
I have received coloring books from Ellen Million and the Digger omnibus from Ursula Vernon/Sofawolf Press! I’m going to have to get good colored pencils for the coloring books, which have finely detailed images that you can’t go at with a crayon. :) Awww! The Fantastrix coloring book’s second page is Roses, the illustration Ellen did for my YA novel RIGHT ANGLES TO FAIRYLAND. How cool, I get to color it! :) Bahaha. Ursula’s dedication in DIGGER is, “For Catie, a fellow member of the “just one more project!” club!”…