the most popular thing i’ve ever said on twitter

“Dear all news sites ever: just shut up the fricking videos and give me words. I read a fuckload faster than you talk.” Seriously, it’s been directly retweeted hundreds of times and tweeted-with-commentary hundreds more (I dunno how to do the cool things that tell you exactly how many RTs something has had). How utterly bizarre.

a useless 3K

I wrote 3K on STONE’S THROE today. It’s basically entirely the wrong 3K, for reasons rather beautifully detailed here, by Jennifer Crusie. I’m basically writing until I get to the start of the story, at which point– Well, if I’m lucky, at that point I’ll be able to work the backstory in as short flashback chapters, because the two stories ought to resonate with each other rather than being “Hi, here’s Story #1, there, now that’s over with and here’s Story #2.” I am, however, a pretty linear writer most…

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calendars & stuff

First, I remind folk that the CE Murphy 2014 photographic calendar is available and currently 20% off with the discount code 48HOURSDEALS. I remind you of this mostly so I’ll remember to order some myself for gifts, but hey, if I’m reminding me I might as well remind everybody. :) Second, I have finally turned in a synopsis for a book that is over a year late. I have never been this late on anything and am mortified, but the synopsis is a lot of fun and if I can…

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browser help

My mom’s browser (latest Ubuntu Firefox; I checked) has mysteriously disappeared the images on Now, everything I’ve found for troubleshooting this tells you to go to Firefox -> (Tools)Options -> Options -> Content -> something to the effect of “display images on sites”; I cannot currently actually find the instructions, but it’s not actually relevant because: The current version of Firefox, and this is true on every platform I’ve tried it on, does not *have* something to the effect of “display images”, although I certainly remember older versions having…

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cough. cough cough cough cough cough

Sick of being sick. Everybody is sick, and it keeps lingering and coughing and snotting and tireding and just ugh. I’ve had about 10 cold-free days since late October and whinge whinge snivel complain. Furthermore, my thinks to do list looks like this: Thinks to do: – ALL THE THINKS *ded*