I could have *sworn* I’d posted this last week, but apparently not! Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, author of many wonderful books (including the Nebula-award-winning HEALER’S WAR, a book which her MFA professors at our mutual alma mater, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, told her would never be published!), is running a Kickstarter! It’s for a new book in the Songs of the Seashell Archives, which are light-hearted, delightful epic fantasy that I absolutely loved when I discovered them. (Among other things, the first book features possibly my all-time favorite authorial insertion,…
I have pictures on my phone of the full Thanksgiving spread and I kept being like “i should not post on LJ until i have the pictures ready!” and also everybody in the entire universe is sick and so posting is too hard anyway, but if I keep it up like that I’m obviously never going to post anything again ever, so I’m posting without pictures now. We ended up with a preposterous amount of leftover turkey because there was a non-zero possibility that twice as many people as did…
ever so handy
Last Friday I called a handyman recommended by the letting agency. He said he would be over on Monday at 11. At 1pm on Monday I called him and said ?. He said he clean forgot and he’d be by on Tuesday at lunch time. At 2:30pm on Tuesday I called and he said he’d be over in an hour. He was. He came in, looked at the things that needed doing, said he’d be back Wednesday lunch–“I’m always saying lunch to you!” he says, “I’ll be there in the…
the uses of ham
On Sunday I cooked a rather large ham. I made ham gravy, because there was all that lovely juice and it seemed a shame to waste it. There was a *lot* of gravy, so on Monday I took a chunk of the ham, all of the gravy, two cans of beans, and some oniongarlicbutter and made ham and bean soup (which is OMG good). Ted made ham and mushroom and cheese omelettes for dinner with another chunk of the ham. Today I have taken the remains of it and am…
Husband: Your paycheck cleared. Please don’t run off to Tahiti. Me: It’s a magical place. * The other day a new friend came over and saw a portrait I’d done that’s framed and on the wall. She stared at it and said, “Who–who is that?” “Peter Wingfield,” I said, expecting to have to then explain that. “OH MY GOD,” she said, “I THOUGHT it was Peter Wingfield but that just seemed TOO UNLIKELY!” Clearly a good choice of friends. :) * I thought I had other funny stuff to post…