good. bad.

The good news is I know how I’ve screwed up the book. The bad news is this is all new screw-ups, following the screw-ups I’ve already fixed, because I was determined that the synopsis had it right even if it didn’t make much sense or feel right, and … yargh. And I need to figure out the big conspiracy plot/motivation/players/etc because I’m reaching a point where it’s got to start coming together and right now instead of edgy sharp moments I have a big puddle of wet noodles. Remind me…

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Jane Foster

A friend of mine over on FB wants to go see Thor again and there was a discussion about it that I didn’t read, except one comment stood out to me, when he said he didn’t much like Jane Foster. I love Jane Foster, and said so, and he wanted to know why. This is why: Because Jane is a female character who is unabashedly intelligent and never portrayed as anything less than attractive. Because she has entirely realistic giggly googly-eyed reactions to gigantic blonde men without shirts. Because she…

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triumph. sort of.

I believe I’ve bashed this book into functional shape. Mostly, at least. The manuscript is 2 chapters and 2K shorter than it was before, which is a totally useless way of describing it, because it must have at least 30% new content, possibly more. The dead weight has been cut, wrong decisions by the author have been removed, and things I thought had to be that way turned out not to, so that was a lot of revising for only being 17k (now 15K) into the book. Now all I…

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I love my parents.

My mother has just gotten a “Your Windows program isn’t working,” phone call. She likes to keep them on the line, apparently, so her half of the conversation is going like this: “Hello?” “Who is this?” “Oh *really*?” “My computer is already on!” “Oh no! What are you going to do about it?” “Are you sure? That’s astonishing, because I don’t use Windows. I use Ubuntu.” “It’s a different operating system. See, the thing is, Windows really *sucks*, so I don’t use it.” (Long pause, she reports in a whisper.)…

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holy maple ginger fudge, batman!

I admit it: I was skeptical about maple ginger fudge. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Holy crap, that’s amazingly good fudge. I made half the batch straight-up maple and haven’t tried it yet (because the ginger went in last, so all the fudge scraps, or as I so charmingly call them, fudge droppings, are gingery), but I’m actually betting the maple ginger is better, due to the ginger cutting some of the sweet. Wow, holy beans. That’s good stuff! I hope the lady I’ve made it for is…

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