Sons of Anarchy & Jericho

I’ve had Sons of Anarchy highly recommended to me, and it stars Ron Perlman, so I watched the first episode a few nights ago. I didn’t like it very much–every single person in the story is a right bastard, and it’s clear the story will be about the evolution of Our Hero (Charlie Hunnam, aka “Hey, that’s the guy from Pacific Rim!”) from a right bastard into someone who does the right thing. It’s established straight off, particularly since we get to see him beat the shit out of somebody…

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know what?

Know what would be great? it would be great if Harry Connolly’s epic fantasy Kickstarter funded in its first 24 hours. It’s more than halfway there already and it launched, um, slightly more than two hours ago. :) If you don’t know Harry’s writing, he’s the author of the acclaimed but tragically not best-selling Twenty Palaces urban fantasy novels, as well as the forthcoming pulp novel KING KHAN from Spirit of the Century/Evil Hat. There’s a lot of hyperbole in cover quotes, but when I offered up one for the…

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administrative day

– call Old Vic to transfer tickets to Dad’s name – email hotel in Brighton – get plane tickets for Brighton – make a legitimate stab at tickets to America – stare in horror at tickets to America – call travel agent to deal with tickets to America – stare in even worse horror at travel agent’s deal – call dentist – print tax form for [redacted] contract – go to bank – email amazon

various & sundry

My sister is having a 1920s themed party and I am almost certain to get outbid on this fabulous dress. :) (Not that I can figure out how we can go anyway, when everyone we know is attending and it’s after Young Indiana’s bedtime, but let’s not think about that just now. :)) Last week was the 2nd Laydeez Do Comics meet-up in Dublin. It was better-attended than the first and equally interesting. I brought cookies (triple chocolate, or Chocolate Migraine) and wore my red bowler hat, the former of…

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Picoreview: White House Down

Picoreview: White House Down: Ted and I went to White House Down (after much debate, starting first with the idea of going to About Time or the equally romantic date movie Elysium, then deciding we’d see Rush and then finding White House Down was starting earlier and sounded more fun) this weekend. It was a colossal flop, costing $150m to make and having made $73m domestically, though it’s made another $100m overseas (apparently people who don’t live in American enjoy watching the White House blow up more than people who…

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