I don’t think I’ve posted this one before. This is Ladies’ View Castle, which is just up the road from yesterday’s picture, Torc Waterfalls. This is one of many places I wish could be restored! In other news, my god I am exhausted. I just sobbed my way through 2000 new words at the end of SHAMAN RISES, and I think it may be almost done now. Almost. Some more polishing to do, a bit of fixer-upper stuff here and there, and then…done. I hope. #exhausted
the jamming of peaches
So Mom made a batch of peach jam a few weeks ago, and to our interest, it turned out exactly as the peach jam I’d made years ago did: super, super stiff, almost crystallized. She thought it needed a couple more peaches, and since I love peach jam with an unholy passion and peaches are available right now, I got some and yesterday made a batch with two more peaches than Mom had used. It’s unbelievably pretty and very tasty, but still surprisingly stiff. Not as stiff as Mom’s or…
Kitsnaps: Torc Waterfalls
Torc Waterfalls in Killarny, Ireland. Killarney is a ridiculously beautiful area. The town itself looks like the town planners took a poll of Americans, concluded what the perfect picturesque Irish village should look like, and custom built it to suit. The landscape is equally lovely. I could live there very happily. :)
five things make a post
I have finished the major revisions to SHAMAN RISES and sent that chunk of the book off to my editor for approval while I polish up the edges of what’s left. My brain is fried. I have, tragically, run out of chocolate chips and Kraft mac&cheese. It should be noted that this is not related to the previous paragraph. I got hit with several spam messages in a row from a fake listserv. Now all the idiots on the ‘list’ are doing a reply-all and demanding to be removed from…
Kitsnaps: Sploosh!
I thought I’d set this to post automagically a few hours ago. I guess not. Sploosh! I wish I’d caught it a half-second earlier so its head was only partly submerged, but, well, I didn’t. :)