Lily Pads

Kitsnaps: Lily Pads

All right, technically the lily pads themselves are rather back there in the distance, but I haven’t a clue what the lovely little yellow water-growing flowers are, so lily pads it is. I bet I have a whole series’ worth of near-focus flower images like this, now that I think about it…

the essential kit

That sounds familiar.

“I could be better. I can make it work better and I’m trying to teach myself more discipline because when you have children and you are an artist, you already have more than fills a day. I would also like to have friends, hobbies, maybe read a book sometime.” From How To Be Prolific, an essay/interview with Joss Whedon. At the Irish premiere of Much Ado About Nothing, the moderator said to Joss, “So you finished the biggest movie in history and then immediately turned around and filmed another one…

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the essential kit

oh god, the thinks to do

– get superman stuff at lidl – get marshmallow fluff at aldi – get stir fry stuff – decide what color to paint young indy’s room get paint – see what kind of inoffensive small carpet can be had for cheap – call about a shed – pack up my office – and the RPGs upstairs – die in a pit also – do more laundry In completely unrelated news, yesterday I muttered “take a chance. old races. inheritors’ cycle. #ThingsIAmNotKickstarting #CommaDammit” on Twitter and Fred, who is an enabler,…

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Kitsnaps: Mara

These lovely little creatures are basically giant South American guinea pigs, although they look more like rabbits crossed with antelope. Dublin Zoo and Fota Island, where this was taken, has quite a few of them, and at Fota they’re totally free-range. They’re very very shy and charming, and I spent a lot of time at Fota sneaking up on them to take pictures. More pictures than might be strictly necessary, really. I have a lot of mara pics. :)

Jon Bon Jovi

Kitsnaps: Jon Bon Jovi

So on Wednesday last we realized that my sister’s out-of-town Saturday performance conflicted with the Bon Jovi concert and that meant it was nearly impossible for Mom to go to Deirdre’s show and then babysit, and after a bit of discussion, agreed that the thing to do was for me to ask Kate to come up and go to the concert with me, and then next week Ted would go down to Cork and go to the ZZ Top concert with her while I held down the (newly moved, by…

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