I usually have to be on holiday to be away from the computer this much, yow. Incredibly busy fun weekend with Kate, then the past two days have been mostly at the new house cleaning carpets and things, omg. Mom and I are wrecked, but the house is looking much nicer. And this place was clean, for an Irish rental. All we have to do now is pack and move and unpack and organize and *dies in a pit just thinking about it* (Of critical importance: getting shrubbery or something…
Picoreview: Man of Steel
Picoreview: Man of Steel: I may have a new favorite superhero movie. Wow. This and X2 and I don’t know, maaaaaaaaaaaybe Avengers, which I loved but didn’t hit all the grace notes the way X2 did for me, but anyway, yeah, wow. It’s clear not everybody agrees with me, which is perfectly reasonable. I’ve seen reviews that think this is a movie without joy or delight or charm. I completely disagree, but possibly should offer up a Heretical Disclaimer along with that disagreement: As with the Star Wars movies, I…
Kitsnaps: First Line of Defense
A bit more of a distance shot from yesterday’s in your face owl. I’ve no idea what the big fuss was that morning, but there was a lot of hissing and clicking and ferocity going on!
Recent Reads: Hamish Macbeth
I fully admit that one of the reasons I really love reading MC Beaton’s books is that I can read two of them in less than 3 hours, which makes me feel like I’m getting Lots Of Reading Done. :) I’d been reading Agatha Raisin books, but I got a couple of Hamish Macbeth books for Christmas. Agatha one likes despite herself, but Hamish is really incredibly charming and more fun to read. So I blew through the first two books, DEATH OF A GOSSIP and DEATH OF A CAD,…
Kitsnaps: In. Your. Face.
In your face, Monday.