Introducing the third and final part of author Judith Tarr’s inspired rant on the changes in the publishing industry, and the expectations we writers have come to live with and accept. Escape from Stockholm: An Epic Publishing SagaFind Judith Tarr on LiveJournal | on Twitter | & at Book View Cafe Part One | Part Two This is no longer the only game in town. Oh, she’s acknowledging it when she says she can’t deal with it, but she’s not thinking about what it really means. Or how she can…
Kitsnaps: Charles Fort
So when my friend Emily came over, my friend Kate took us on a truly magnificent lecture tour of Kinsale and surrounds. I took roughly six billion pictures and have posted nearly none of them. This is Charles Fort in Kinsale, which has a rich and wonderful history that you should really get Kate to tell you, but one bit of it is that they finished building it on low ground at exactly the same time moveable cannons that could shoot a lot farther were developed, and so its wonderful…
A quick look at Kickstarter novels
Matt Forbeck, who ran a couple Kickstarters last year, has done an in-depth analysis of gauging your chances of succeeding with a Kickstarter novel. If you’re at all interested in this kind of thing (as I obviously am), it’s pretty, er, interesting. :) I did a kind of mock “aw!” when I saw NO DOMINION hadn’t made it into his top ten list, although SPIRIT OF THE CENTURY, for which I shall shortly be writing a novel, did, so, y’know, that salved the pain. But wait, true believers! NO DOMINION…
Escaping Stockholm: Part 2
Escaping Stockholm: Second in a series of publishing industry essays by author Judith Tarr, about whom the following is all perfectly true: Judith Tarr hates writing bios of herself. She would rather write historical fantasy or historical novels or epic fantasy or the (rather) odd alternate history, or short stories on just about any subject that catches her fancy. She has been a World Fantasy Award nominee for her Alexander the Great novel, Lord of the Two Lands, and won the Crawford Award for her Hound and the Falcon trilogy.…
Kitsnaps: Orange
And then there’s the moment you glance out the window at sunset and the orange light falling on the orange boards and the orange cat makes everything the exact same hue, and all you have to do is grab the camera before the cat gets bored and moves away. :)