I keep finding recipes that look magnificent and discovering food sites that have all kinds of swoonable-looking meals. They’re evenly split between pure junk food and really healthy eating stuff, and I keep looking at the healthy eating stuff and wishing I would actually make these things (I’m far more likely to make the other stuff, because I love to bake, whereas I only tolerate having to cook). And then I find Thug Kitchen (warning: this guy spews profanity left right and center. It’s obviously intended to be over the…
Recent Reads: LET IT BLEED
LET IT BLEED is book 3.5 of the WVMP RADIO urban fantasy series by my friend Jeri Smith-Ready, and is what happens when the publisher decides they want four books instead of five and the author turns the salient events of book four into a novella to offer her readers for free so she can wrap up the series in a way she feels is satisfying. This is in every way awesome. And the novella is, in and of itself, fine. My problem is with a decision Jeri’s made for…
Kitsnaps: Glasnevin Tower
I just like the wide-angled lens, okay? :)
Kitsnaps: Glasnevin Cedars
Cedars. Probably. I don’t know, I didn’t ask anybody, but they’re big and look cedar-colored to me. :) This could very nearly be one of my Road Home series, which…which I see I have posted none of. Well, I’ll tag this as a Road Home series and when I’ve got several posted I’ll link to the tag. The Road Home is about the only other thing besides the godslight that I think of as having a series of, though probably the crosses count as well, now that I’m actually thinking…
& that’s a wrap
Aaaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap: SHAMAN RISES went off to my editor yesterday afternoon, and now it’s all over but the revisions. I have one book left under contract and then I’m unemployed. :) I vacillate between relief and panic on that topic, of course. It does rather help knowing that if push comes to shove, I expect I could run a Kickstarter (perhaps for the 3rd Inheritors’ Cycle book) to cover my bases for a while. In the meantime, however, I do have a number of projects lined up–3 short…