This photo is so captioned because I knew it would make my nephews laugh. And it did. Therefore, this picture is a total success. :) Except eventually it did occur to me that being in Ireland and all now, I really should have called it Bumble Bum. Oh well. :)
retreat! retreat!
I awakened this morning with the not-unfamiliar conviction that the only smart thing to do would be return to Alaska’s North Road and homestead in preparation for coming social and climate collapse. I assume this is perfectly normal.
Kitsnaps: Ancient Queens & Modern Schemes
This is my favorite picture from the recent trip to London: Boudicca and the Millenium Wheel. I just like the juxtaposition of ancient and modern. And it’s in a snowstorm. For the win. :)
Kitsnaps: Carrignass Castle
Ruined castle on the road to Bantry. There’s an old stone bridge about an arm’s span wide leading up to this place, and we watched cars navigate the bridge with the nervous horror of people certain they’re about to witness utter doom AT ANY MOMENT. We didn’t, but the I’m sure it’s still waiting to happen. The castle, though, was really worth stopping at. You can’t get into the actual ruins, but we were able to go all around them. As you can see, the river running by is in…
The 140 Character Cookbook
The other day over on Twitter, Ilona Andrews said she’d bought churizo because she’d seen a recipe she wanted to try that called for it, but now she couldn’t find the recipe so what was she supposed to do with the churizo? I said, “Sautee it in a pan. Throw in chick peas & sautee in chorizo oil until soft. Mix sour cream over it. Eat with pita. Die happy,” which she did. Without actually dying, I should note. But OMG. It’s a recipe Ted invented a few weeks ago,…