Natural light falls on an altar in Sligo, turning everything to gold. One of my MANY GOALS (because I have no sense of proportion) is to someday go around and do a “holy sites” kind of photographic book, in part because if I did that I could probably get permission to photograph a bunch of places one isn’t normally allowed to, and with better lighting in the places one *is* allowed to. Although really, you can’t get much better than this light, which I caught out of sheer fortune.
Recent Reads: Castle of Wizardry
Not, as it turns out, my favorite of the series, despite Ce’Nedra’s taking the helm in many ways. I remembered it more fondly. And there’s nothing particularly wrong with it, except it largely feels like a filler book: this is where Garion gets crowned and Ce’Nedra raises an army, and that’s sort of all that happens in this ‘un. It’s entertaining enough, with laugh out loud moments like all of them have, but not the strongest of the series. Looking forward to finishing ’em up, though, because I /have/ been…
Croke Park Sunrise
This was the sunrise out the front window this morning. There’s a knack to sun photography that I haven’t got (due to utter lack of looking up how to do it followed by practice) but I thought this captured the colors pretty well. And I should probably save it for a later Kitsnaps kind of post, but I thought it was pretty enough to show you right now. :) In other news, well, it’s 9am. I have no other news yet. :)
Kitsnaps: Ban an Appai
Ban an appai, the name of this boat, means something like “witchy woman,” as far as I can tell. This was taken down somewhere in County Cork in the general area of where my friend Kate’s grandmother is buried (give or take ten square miles) She might remember more specifically where it is, but it’s a beautiful little town on an inlet, one of several we visited that day. I could very happily spend weeks, months, indeed, probably years, riding my bike around this country and finding places like this…
words on the page
Thanks to my mother’s good graces, I’m starting to get some traction on SHAMAN RISES. And let me just make this Note To Self here and now: Dear Self: Next time you write a 9 book series with plans to have EVERYBODY RETURN in the last book, don’t make it a first person POV series. Mmkay? Love, Me. Seriously. 9 chapters in and I still have 3 characters to get on screen. Jo’s thought of something clever and I have to make it all go horribly wrong. Momentum is beginning…