Bantry Bay Rainbow

Kitsnaps: Bantry Bay Rainbow

Bantry is, in road miles, not all that far from Cork city. Eighty miles, or something. They are, however, eighty miles on bitty wee twisty tiny roads intended for horses and paved over when cars became prevailant, so it’s a much longer drive than one might necessarily expect. It ought to be taken on a bicycle, which would not feel like it was going to fall off the side of the road at any given moment. On the other hand, it did afford views like these. And actually, the southwest…

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Elfquest: Skywise & Cutter

Elfquest: The Final Quest

Page, um. 24. I’m a little behind. * Page One Page Two Page Three Page Four Page Five Page Six Page 7 (this is where I left off) Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 (The best bit about this page is Wendy posted the profiles frame on FB and someone commented how Cutter’s nose had lost its snub, and (more tragically) Skywise’s had lost its arch. And when she posted the final version, their noses had been restored to their…

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Baby Bongo at Dublin Zoo

Kitsnaps: Baby Bongo

This baby bongo was born last year at Dublin Zoo. I remember the first time I saw the male bongo, whose antlers (horns?) are quite magnificent. He was curled against one of the fences, his head lowered so his mouth was near the ground, and when I looked at him through my camera viewfinder, I saw a classic African carving. It was an absolutely visceral visual, completely startling to me, and quite wonderful, as I’d never experienced anything like that before. Sadly, that picture didn’t turn out nearly as successfully…

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lemon curd!

I was thwarted yesterday. First the buses were badly timed/already buggified, so we ended up not going out to the farmer’s market, where I’d intended to get lemon curd from the award-winning lady who makes it. But we went downtown instead. Rats. But then! I got to go out to the market later! Hoorah! Except the lemon curd lady wasn’t there. *despair* But! I had lemons. So today I made lemon curd. It’s only the second time I’ve made lemon curd. I’m not at all confident it’ll set up (because…

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Magician's Gambit, by David Eddings


! I had forgotten there were scenes and sections in MAGICIAN’S GAMBIT that were entirely from Ce’Nedra’s point of view. I knew there were in CASTLE OF WIZARDRY, but I had no recollection of it in MG. This endears the book(s) to me as an adult even more than as a teen. I was not one of those female readers who as a child felt left out because all the stories were about boys and I wasn’t a boy so therefore couldn’t relate. Yes, well, there wasn’t a magical passageway…

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