ElfQuest: The Final Quest: Page Five * Page One Page Two Page Three Page Four
Picoreview: Looper
Picoreview: Looper: I’m going to be the one who didn’t like this movie. It wasn’t JG-L or Bruce Willis, both of whom I adore, even if JG-L looks about as much like Bruce Willis as I do. Possibly less, even, even with the makeup (though there were two or three moments in the film where between the makeup and body language he absolutely *nailed* Willis). Emily Blunt was wonderful. I recognize that my really specific problems with the violence are what one might call “trigger issues”, but even looking beyond…
I was looking at yesterday’s to-do list and had a mental wail of, “God I’m not going to finish this until I’m like FORTY!” Then I realized that with SHAMAN RISES’s duedate, actually I pretty much *literally* won’t finish it until I’m forty. *laughs* I already had to readjust my “I’m going to sleep until I’m 37,” thing, now I’m going to have to reset that too! :) Seriously, way too much to do. All that’s behind the cut is the to-do list, where I am hiding it so as…
too many thinks
– dishes – make dinner – laundry, particularly – FOLD the fricking laundry – and then PUT IT AWAY – call to return the coat & order a new one – call joce – do something about photoshop & homesite – and then the p-con website – and faith – finish AAs – put NO DOMINION print edition together – email kyle – rescue old hard drive – look for photos off old hard drive – put printer somewhere more useful in my office – fix treehouse – collaborate with…
DICE part 2!
So right after we got to Dublin, a comics convention started up. Even the first year, which was held in a small cramped location, had a strangely good lineup of guests for a tiny con, and the 2nd or 3rd year they even had Jim Lee. This is because EVERYONE wants to come to Ireland. :) But things happened and the con disappeared for a while, and now it has returned with gusto. We had a great time, and I’m really looking forard to next year. It being Ireland, and…