URSULA WON THE HUGO YAAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHH YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Ahem. After a holiday there is triage. Isn’t that how it usually works? Granted, triage was going to the zoo this morning, but it’s not like I was going to get any work done anyway, since one doesn’t with a toddler, except during nap time. :) Wonderful day for the zoo, too. I’d forgotten school was back in session, so everyone there was pretty much a parent of 2-4 year old. Later I’ll…post some pictures, except our desktop has crashed and I don’t know…
GCBP: Angel Food Cake
I have this wonderful, 70 year old basic cookbook called Meta Given’s Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking. My grandmother had it, my mother inherited it, and years ago Mom went forth on the internet and single-handedly drove the price of the 2-volume set up from about $12 per book to $70+ per book, because she bought every single set available and gave them to family members. Anyway, I’ve been saying for ages that I wanted to start at the beginning of the cake section and bake one of each cake, just…
this book is giving me fits.
I have to revise something. I don’t have to do it now, because it’s not structural for the book, but rather for the series. But the damned book is giving me fits, and I wish to hell it wasn’t. We had a quiet day today, only going to the Citadel again to do some souvenir shopping. I ended up with a bunch of pottery, which is really my favorite thing for mementos. :) At the local bakery today I encountered an American woman speaking increasingly loudly, in English, to the…
unstuck. i think. i hope.
If this was actually Nanowrimo, I would be THRILLED. Instead, well. At least I think I’m unstuck now. 40035 / 70000 words. 57% done!
I still wasn’t feeling the love on this wretched book, and said so to Ted, and explained where I was in the story. He said, “No, have X show up doing something X isn’t supposed to,” and I stared at him and went and deleted another 3300 damned words, and after a 4K day, I am just about 500 words past where I was yesterday. Mghglhghgl. 35500 / 70000 words. 51% done! Clearly this is not going to be a draft by the time we leave on Friday. It’s not…