In comments on that last post, someone said: “I would like to read what you think should be thrown away. I’m not sure I’d agree.” Here’s the thing: you’re right. You wouldn’t agree. But you would be wrong. I have written entire books without plots. I am a good enough writer that I can almost get away with that, and without an editor who wouldn’t let me, in one case, I would have. And that’s what’s wrong with what I’ve been working on: I had something that looked like a…
rookie mistake
For the past six weeks I’ve been working on starting a new book. Now, it often only *takes* me six weeks to write a book, and although there have been some distractions, taking six weeks to get started is really a bad sign. Usually when I don’t want to work on a new project, it means I’ve done something wrong. I *know* that, so I kept looking at it, trying to figure out what I’d done wrong. I reached 75 pages on the manuscript twice, and the first time, I…
a story
After the Readercon mess (short version: somebody sexually harassed a woman, she complained, trusting that Readercon’s zero-tolerance policy would be implemented and the guy would be banned for life, it wasn’t, people rightfully got furiously upset, went viral with it, Readercon recognized their mistake, banned the guy, and I believe the entire Readercon board has now resigned in apology), my friends lists have been filled with a lot of discussion about rape and harassment and the problems people deal with day in and day out. I’ve been lucky, and let…
I finished Nicole Peeler’s TEMPEST’S LEGACY yesterday. I got sent the first TEMPEST book as an ARC, didn’t managed to read it until months after the book came out, LOVED it, asked for the second to blurb, missed THAT window too, loved it when I read it, and bought the third one in America and loved it. Seriously, I do not read urban fantasy for fun, but I really just adore the Jane True books. They’re a lot of fun. Then I immediately started Kari Sperring’s LIVING WITH GHOSTS, which…
Singularity Moment
One of my favorite commercials ever is one where there’s an American football game on, and the ball is spiraling through the air toward the goal posts, and there are thousands of fans coming to their feet roaring with hope. The voiceover says, “Not even the will of fifty thousand fans can send the ball through the goalposts… “…or can it?” And no. Of course not. Not with an inanimate object. And yet. And yet. Nine months ago NASA sent a machine toward Mars, and that machine had a crazy…