June has been equally extremely long and extremely blurred. I have had no sense of the day of the week most of the month, only a constant sense of bewilderment that it’s Not The Weekend Yet, or The Weekend Is Already Over? (I’m very proud of myself, though: I haven’t been working on weekends. Which does make them seem more important. Who knew?) For Kickstarter Patrons: the proposal chapters for HEAVEN CAN WAIT have been delivered. Almost done with the whole project now, except the pursuit of the physical objects…
random collection of things
So disappointed. The weather report promised fog today and I was hoping to go over to Glasnevin cemetery to take pictures, but no, it’s lashing rain. Maybe we’ll go to the last day of baby group instead. Bah. Did pilates yesterday morning. So out of shape I was sore by mid-afternoon, instead of it taking until this morning like decent soreness would. Finished the Daisani short story, “Betrayals”, for AFTERMATH! Daisani, apparently to no one’s surprise, is a real rat bastard. I love him. :) Now I’ve got one more…
Having gotten my office sorted, I need to figure out what to do with the greenhouse I’ve built for my orange tree. It turned out larger than I expected, so it doesn’t fit as nicely on a corner of my desk as I thought it would, which means basically it takes up the Entire Desk. Which means I can’t use the desk for much of anything else, which is inconvenient now that the desk is nominally useable. :) So hrm. Also removing a bookshelf means I have removed a top…
I hate when my to-do list keeps having the same items from day to day. My office is much better than it was, which is to say there are currently 2 empty bookcases and an incredibly large pile of junk that needs to be sorted on the table. Really, that’s an improvement. :/ I really want there to be only one bookcase in there, but since that’s not going to happen (one is full. Of books, even, but there’s nowhere to put what remains and even this massive sort-and-toss thing…
thinks to do
– email book bloggers – clear out another few hundred emails from the 1306 1100 796-strong email box – achieve a next stage of cleanliness in the office, which doesn’t mean it’s done, mind you – laundry, which doesn’t mean it’s done, mind you – check into … meh, it doesn’t seem to have what i want. still, maybe talk to them – go to the zoo, maybe? it’s nice out right now… – write tenencies board letter – plane tickets – q’s for david – figure out where this…