so. many. thinks.

– make applesauce – make biscuits – make bread – make a birthday cake om nom nom – pack up comics. srsly. – send comics. srsly. – books too. – perhaps go, y’know, get send Ted to buy his own small birthday presents to go with his big one – write. ahahahahah. ahahahahha. hahahahaha. *wipes eyes*


Possibly I should just accept today is a Not Writing day, and do thinks like: – get dinner into the slow cooker – pack up some books – pack up some comics – write some form letters – more laundry – clean the fridge – clean the kitchen – get train tickets – water the tree during the baby’s nap. Of course, now I’ve got everything but the book-packing done, and the only surface to do that on is in my office, so maybe I should go work now. Just…

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Dear LJ,

You are going to a small but enthusiastic local sf/f convention. What topics are you interested in discussing/seeing discussed on panels?

picoreviews: new year’s eve & puss in boots

Picoreview #1: “New Year’s Eve”: Like every other American attempt at “Love Actually”, it utterly lacks the grace and effortlessness of its progenitor. On the other hand, I went to see it sheerly to get out of the house and have time that was entirely to myself, and had such low expectations that I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It actually took several minutes to even recognize Michelle Pfeiffer (the opening scene with her I was genuinely going “Why are we following this woman? Who is she?…

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Recommended Reads: The Crossroads Trilogy

(This post was written over the course of a few weeks.) I read Kate Elliott’s SPIRIT GATE a few years ago when it first came out, and have had the sequels sitting on my shelf for over a year, unread because (as I may have mentioned previously) being a full-time writer (and Mommy!) really cuts into your reading time. So I wanted to re-read SPIRIT GATE before tackling the other two, ’cause I barely remembered what had happened in it. I liked it even better the second time through, which…

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