Oh good. Pleased to announce that I have in fact lost no writing in the Great Hard Drive Crash of 2011. All praise Dropbox. I have somehow once more ended up with Shitloads of Thinks To Do & Hardly Any Time To Do Them In, though in my defense this time it’s partly because of the hard drive crash basically obliterating my planned writing time during the Alaskan vacation. So that’s not actually my fault, and that’s the story I’m sticking to. – RAVEN CALLS revisions/copy edits – my bit…
Finally! RAVEN CALLS cover!
They haven’t gotten me a copy that says Book 7 instead of Book 8 (the new computer system counted “Banshee Cries” as a full book, so renumbered RAVEN CALLS to Book 8), but here’s the cover of RAVEN CALLS, Book 7 of the Walker Papers! I love it!!! Muuuuuuuuuuch larger version behind the cut. :)
I’ve just seen a handful of photos from the shoot that will be producing the cover for EASY PICKINGS, the Joanne Walker/Jane Yellowrock “fan fiction by the authors themselves” crossover story that Faith Hunter and I are writing. It is going to be AWESOME. In other news, the NO DOMINION Kickstarter campaign is less than $200 from $10,000. *seizes heart and wheezes* You guys are *amazing*. *wheezes* o.o This means, of course, less than $200 from a fourth short story for everyone subscribing at $25 or more. So far I…
Three for three, even, when one adds into account the creative writing class I attended today to talk about Being A Working Writer. There were four of us in total there: me, I.C. Esslemont, the new Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the university, Johnny Payne, and the professor, Gerri Brightwell. The students had a lot of good questions (no “where do you get your ideas?” :)) and we had a terrific time talking about the realities of writing. Later Gerri said they were equal parts thrilled and…
great success!
The Fairbanks B&N book signing went very well! Saw a couple people I knew and far more I didn’t, and many of them bought books. :) A lot of people stopped to talk, which almost never happens at a book signing (the fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies may have helped :)), and I think we all had a lot of fun. Next public appearance is at the UAF bookstore from 2:30-4pm on Tuesday! Awesome (if I do say so myself) picture of me with some readers at NYCC! eta: um,…