Wednesday, October 12: dinner is booked. Thursday, October 13: lunch & dinner are both booked, though times haven’t been sorted yet Friday, October 14: 1:15-2:15pm: panel with my Del Rey editor Betsy Mitchell, authors Naomi Novik and Scott Westerfield (O.O) and others. 3-4pm: kaffeesklatch, probably only nominally since it’ll probably be at the Javits Centre. But I’ll find a place to plunk down where people can find me for an hour. Saturday, October 15: breakfast is booked. 11am-12pm: Book signing/meet & greet at Luna/Harlequin’s booth 5:30-6:30pm: Book signing/Autographing Table 7,…
BatB & lists
GRRM reports there’s rumor of a Beauty and the Beast reboot. I will of course watch it if it happens, but back after I’d lost all hope of the TV show returning or seeing a big screen BatB, I knew how I would continue the story. Not with a reboot, but with Catherine and Vincent’s son Jacob (just because he was born apparently normal doesn’t mean he couldn’t get beastly at puberty or something), and with the daughters of Elliot Burch and Joe Maxwell discovering the world their fathers could…
Hm. Mild spoilers for the first month of the new DC universe ensue, so I’ll put this behind the cut.
thinks yet again
– plane tickets to alaska – order the remaining costumes for NYCC – empty compost – wash diaper wraps – oh yes, try to do somethingstart to accept I’m not going to do anything about cover art for the ORSSP – address newsletter winner envelopes & put the books in ‘em – send the books – call UPC grrr – make a Kickstarter video (*squinchy face*) – redesign the P-Con website – clean the back room – jumbletown the old TV *flails* PUG does not yet have this dress in,…
New York Times :)
Sadly, no, this is not a post saying I’ve hit the NYT. Not exactly, anyway. There is, however, a pretty damned cool article about AmberMUSH players, myself included, who grew up to be professional writers. Jim is, of course, the lead story, but Cameron Banks, Angela Beegle, and the Evil Hat lads are name-checked as well. Pretty nifty! And a nice way to start the weekend. :) eta: Could somebody pick me up a copy of that NYT? I can’t find one over here. (Ah, for the days of yore,…