I’d say my life isn’t as boring as these lists make it seem, but I would be lying. Oh. I went to see “Friends With Benefits” last night. It was much, much funnier than I expected it to be. Also, despite it starting at 9, for some reason I thought it was only a quarter after 10 when it got out, so I was very confused to get home and discover it was suddenly nearly midnight. I’m so easily confused… BEST. WEBSITE. EVER. Draw a stick man. – empty compost…
thinks and thinks
sorry for the many posts this morning. Ted’s got the next four days off, and I have a metric tonne of Thinks To Do during that time. They include, but are not limited to, the following: – empty compost – wash diaper wraps – oh yes, try to do something about cover art for the ORSSP – print out newsletter book winner addresses – address envelopes & put the books in ’em – send the books – call UPC grrr – make a Kickstarter video (*squinchy face*) – redesign the…
Kickstarter is a go.
Got the all-clear from Kickstarter, so I’m working on setting up the page now. Suddenly seems much more real and nerve-wracking. :) So I’d been thinking of running a 45 day campaign, but KS actually recommends 30 days. Is there any particular reason you, my good-hearted readers, feel it should be 45 instead of 30? I have to do a video. Argh. I have no video skills. My only thought is making that lack a feature of the video…
fundamental things
Being a reader, I have unsurprisingly taken a number of fundamental beliefs from the fiction I’ve read. Most of them were things encountered during my early teen years; a few, read later, clarified or distilled things I believed anyway, and hell, some of them are brand-new. I’ve been meaning to write them down for a while now. They’re things like: Sex is good. (Heinlein, ElfQuest, Judy Blume) Cajun food is delicious. (X-Men*) Americans are really, really screwed up about sex and violence. (ElfQuest) Women are not only smart, capable and…
chd & other things
I’m having a terrible time deciding what to do with my hair. There’s no crisis for once, it’s just I keep dying it brown which is fine except it’s…well, brown. Not very interesting. I keep having this vague idea it’ll be a slightly more interesting brown if I dye it, but no. Anyway, so my mom helped me by picking out a…caramel, I think they call it, dye, which will perhaps introduce the slightest bit of interest without making it fire engine red, which is really not what I want.…