Okay, so the thing about the upcoming Kickstarter campaign (launching October 1!) is that I really *can’t* use a teaser from the actual story as part of the incentive text, because it starts with a scene from RAVEN CALLS and no way no how am I spoiling that scene. :) So I’ve written the first couple chapters of URBAN SHAMAN from Gary’s point of view for a bit of flavor text as to what kind of voice the novella will be in. Enjoy! “Magic Hath an Element” Three days…
new phone
I broke down and got a new phone a few weeks ago. A Samsung Galaxy II S, which is I guess about the newest thing on the market, and which is about to be embargoed over here because Apple’s suing Samsung over some app or other and has won an injunction in the European courts. So I figured if I wanted it I’d better hurry up and get it. I think it’s the most leading-edge piece of tech I’ve ever bought. I’ve been getting used to it. It only took…
I don’t feel like working today. I’ve written two (two? three? ah. two, and 3,000 words on EASY PICKINGS) short stories this week and I’m just sort of tired and don’t feel like working. It is, however, inevitable that if I do not work, today will be the day the baby takes a 3 hour nap. *wibble* Oddly enough, the newsletter had 30 new signups yesterday, and there’s been another ten this morning. :) The membership is currently at 714 people. When it reaches 750, I’ll post the Morrison short…
Morrison short story
In other news, the newsletter-only Morrison POV short story (titled “Petite”) about Morrison and Joanne meeting for the first time came together today just about effortlessly. It kinda broke my heart a little bit, but I like it. And now it’s sitting on my hard drive, waiting for me to decide if I should send it out immediately or wait til, like, Christmas. :) (Sign up for the newsletter to get it when I *do* send it out.) – a Gary short story (3-5K) – my bit on “Easy Pickings”…
About three weeks ago, my friend Random mentioned this Fitocracy thing on Twitter. Said something about its geek-appeal in making a person exercise by turning exercise into a…not game, but geek-friendly activity by assigning points so you could level up by exercising. Intrigued, I went to check it out. And yes, that’s what it is: a site that (afaict) gives you a point per calorie burned, and encourages you complete fitness quests that give small bonus points, and…and, well, you level up. It’s silly, but it’s also fun and bizarrely…