‘k, EASY PICKINGS is now definitely back in Faith’s court. It’s a bit over 15K now and I figure we’ve got somewhere between 7500 and 15K to go. :) The Gary teaser for NO DOMINION is done (I’ll post that Monday, probably). It’s definitely *not* the right thing to use as an instant “Kickstarter campaign is done, have a short story to tide you over!” thank-you-for-your-support thing, so I do still have to write an actual story for that. I know when and where that story should be set, I…
ARDIAN IS SUPPOSED TO BE AT NYCC i had no idea. kirby told me. i hadn’t even looked at the guest list because i thought the idea was pleasant but so far-fetched there was no point *bursts into tears of excitement* eta: aww, looks like circumstances will probably prevent him from making it. guess i’ll have to be hysterical some other time… :)
exploded bread
I exploded my bread. (Apparently when I took the dishcloth off the top, it tore the far side of the bread. Which I couldn’t see, what with it being the far side, and it baked that way. Oops. Smells heavenly, though.) (photo taken with my new phone. I gotta get an app to upload straight to Flickr. (Since I loathe Picasa.)) (I have decided the humane thing to do is chop off the explody bit and eat it with butter and jam. *looks noble*)
Crowdfunding: Other Peoples’ Projects
TA Pratt’s GRIM TIDES Kickstarter campaign is in its last 48 hours, and has a measly $400 to reach $11K. Go go gadget fundraiser! Sharon Lee & Steven Miller have posted their latest Splinter Universe short story. Sharon & Steve’s crowdfunding efforts are part of what turned me on to the whole idea in the first place, so clearly I think they’re made of awesome. :) Liz Williams, who consistently runs crowdfunding projects I wish I’d thought of, is running two right now. One is a commissioned short story for…
I saw four movies in the theatre last week. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen four movies in the theatre in a week, although I did see X2 3 times opening weekend, which…well, certainly gives me geek cred, anyway. :) First two were a double feature of Terminator and T2 at the Screen Cinema in Dublin. I’d never seen Terminator on the big screen (being 11 and in Kenai, Alaska when it came out, although apparently I was at the theatre for something else when it came out, because I…