…damn, you guys are cool.

Seriously, some of the ideas of what kind of Cinderella story I would tell just *rock*. I ought to give you a list of the fairy tales I’m thinking of doing for the lil short story collection, and see what twists /you/ think I’m going to put on them, and send a copy of the collection to the people whose ideas I steal, uh, am inspired by. :) Actually, while I’m definitely going to do that at some point (not this week), I’ve got this idea in my head to…

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OH MY GOD. I don’t want to say who until there’s actual art produced for fear of jinxing it, but the likely cover artist for the Old Races collection “Baba Yaga’s Daughter” (due out in 2012 from Subterranean Press) is the artist I have ALWAYS wanted to see illustrate the Old Races! SQUEEEEEEE! Finished reading A PRINCESS OF MARS last night. That was a pretty much thoroughly enjoyable book, even if I’m bemused at some of the stylistic differences between today and a hundred years ago (o.O). A lot of…

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pulp fiction

I’m reading A PRINCESS OF MARS, which is almost entirely enjoyable*, but baha, the things Burroughs got away with that I cannot imagine doing in today’s fiction: “Over the next week I too developed my telepathic powers.” That’s it. Not mentioned again for jillions of pages, and then only in passing. Eventually becomes more of a plot point, and is even mentioned as “strange powers”, but still. Bahahah. :) *It’s Dejah Thoris’s perpetually small hands that are just killing me. I don’t mind her being Utterly Perfect In All Ways,…

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oh dear. :)

I have the shmexy black pinup girl dress. I just got this from J Peterman (and it’s SO CUTE). Now Pinup Girl Clothing has this dress in stock. So the question is: do I get it, and totally rock the pinup look at NYCC, or, er, not? oh crap! They’ve got the swallow-embroidery dress AND the sailor swing dress in my size right now too! O NOES WHAT WILL I DOOOOOOOOOOOO! (eta: oh. hell. i misread, the swallows dress is sold out. perhaps I should buy the retro rockabilly diner…

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My editor sent me two copies of WAYFINDER ahead of the rest of the author copies coming my way. Reader, I confess it: I got emotional. This is a rare moment–the only moment, in fact, since I began publishing–where the books on my shelf represent everything I’ve finished a contract for. Usually when I get a new book and put it on the shelf my immediate reaction is “Yay! Now I want the next one!” But in this case, the next book is under a different contract, so right now…

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