Tim Pratt, AKA T.A. Pratt, is running a Kickstarter campaign to fund the next novel in the Marla Mason series. Actually, he’s already succeeded in funding it (much to his shock), but I’m raising the signal anyway, because I really enjoyed Marla books. Marla is not a particularly likeable main character, which is actually exactly what I loved about her. Last year Tim ran a different sort of crowdfund to write the fifth novel (economic downturn and etc axed the series at the publishing house, but book 4 ended on…
The Dabel Debacle & Other Things
Other things first: Heroic, the womanthology, closed at $109.3K, which is pretty flipping fantastic. I can’t really explain why the project means so much to me, especially since I’m not even involved. It’s not just women doing comics, which is obviously awesome. It’s also the outrageous upswell of support for them. That’s just so great. Turns out the woman behind the whole thing, Renae De Liz, is an artist herself (and I know her work, at least on Rogue Angel, but most people are going to know it because she’s…
Dear Self
Dear Self: I do not know how it is you manage to end up eyeball-deep in multiple projects at once even when you’re trying not to. Please remember that you are in fact trying not to; that’s probably the only thing keeping you from writing another novel in the next five weeks. Oh wait. Dear Self, Please try to remember that although you have accepted the Book Race challenge (in *solidarity*, dammit, you are not the one who laid down the challenge!), you wrote 1200 words on it yesterday as…
I love my friends. :)
*laughs* I love my friends. All of them, but at this particular moment, the writer-friends in particular. Michelle Sagara is making popcorn to nibble on while she watches us do our Book Race. She alone among many seems to be holding out against the challenge–Laura Anne Gilman, Kari Sperring, and Kate Elliott have also signed on, and it looks like Alma Alexander is also teetering on the edge of doing so. :) The book I’m aiming to write in 5 weeks is a middle grade novel about pirates and lost…
a novel in five weeks
I have accepted /Chaz’s challenge, and will be writing a novel in five weeks. Chaz is already ahead; he has 15K of an 80K novel written, and I have, um. Five or ten hand-written pages of a 60K novel written. More alarmingly, I have a Walker Papers proposal and a short story to do, both of which really need to be done before the novel. BUT I SHALL NOT DESPAIR. What I shall despair over, just a little perhaps, is the discovery that the lullaby I’d been planning to base…