
*howls of laughter* While I typed that last blog entry, Young Indiana abandoned me. I didn’t realize the kitchen door was open, so I didn’t think much of it. After a minute, though, I decided I better go see what he was doing. I found him in front of the open fridge, the maple syrup jug held firmly in both hands, maple syrup spread from between his eyes down his shirt down his pants all over his one bare foot his one socked foot all over the floor all over…

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mailing list

You know I have a mailing list, right? It’s announcements-only and comes out usually with the wild frequency of once a month. Sometimes less. I think twice in a month once, several years ago. Anyway, it summarizes what, if anything, is going on–crowdfunding projects, convention attendance, books released, etc–in a tidy encapsulated email. I have 700 readers on LJ (and no idea how many hit mizkit.com or cemurphy.net). I have 1200 followers on Twitter and a thousand on Facebook (and a couple hundred on G+). I’m sure there’s plenty of…

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There’s a “World of Princesses” at the Ambassador Theatre here in Dublin. I realize it’s probably ridiculous, but every time I see it I get pissed off. “For every girl who’s ever wanted to be a princess,” it says, and yes, okay, fair enough, I too wanted to be a princess at times. But it still just annoys the crap out of me, because every time I see it I think “I’m betting it doesn’t address–for example–Diana’s anorexia, Masako’s depression, male-only primogeniture, “Waity Katie”, as Kate Middleton was nicknamed as…

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interview meme :)

Questions from : 1. You and five people from your flist each get one super power. Who gets what? Oooh. Um, well, like yourself, I kinda want the telepath/telekinetic double whammy that Jean Grey’s got, because, as you said yourself, it includes flight. I would, mind you, be much, much more of a hardass than Jean if I had her powers, but that’s neither here nor there. Let’s see. Ted, whom people automatically think of as a tank, actually really likes support roles where he can deal some damage and…

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Interview with Alma Alexander!

I think Alma Alexander will not remember this, but I met her once. It was at one of the Writers’ Weekends in Seattle, probably before I got published, or possibly the very summer I got published, in 2004 or 2005. I idled by her table during a signing, picked up her books THE HIDDEN QUEEN and CHANGER OF DAYS, and said “Oh, I’ve been wanting to read these! I’m waiting for the third one to come out!” “THERE ARE ONLY TWO OF THEM,” Alma said somewhat stridently, which made me…

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