– revised ANGLES – written synopses for ANGLES & two sequels – written “Awakening”, an Old Races short story – written six Gryphon Beach stories – edited the GB stories – developed the ElectriCity synopsis – written the first chapter of the ElectriCity script – done my part on “Easy Pickings” I have also, in the first half of this year, written three other Old Races stories and the seventh Walker Papers novel. But the above was all done in June. To reward myself, I am going to the Bon…
five things make a post :)
I should know by that if I want to write in the morning, when I wake up in the five o’clock hour for a call of nature I should just get up. Actually, I do know it. I also choose to ignore it, which is the actual problem here. :) Hah. I’m doing a quick edit pass on the Gryphon Beach stories I told at Storytelling Hour a few weeks ago. They’re completely charming (I said modestly), even the last one, which I kind of thought I’d given short shrift…
it’s aaaaaliiiiiiive
I thought I hadn’t been blogging because I didn’t have time to sit down and write a post, but it seems I may not have been blogging because I’ve got squat-all to say. I’ve been trying to get this post going for like half an hour, and keep coming up blank. :) I need a couple good research books. I need a nice basic overview about the Napoleonic era in Europe* and equally good basic overview of 1940s America. Suggestions welcome! And apparently I can’t think of anything else to…
flight of madness
Everybody in the world except me is going to RWA in New York this coming weekend. I had a brief flight of madness this morning where I thought “CROWDFUNDING! I can offer to write “Kiss of Angels”–Grace’s story–for a crowdfunded ticket to New York!” Except, well, y’know, I’d have to scare up the cash by Thursday, and I’ve already run two crowdfunded projects this year (the Old Races Short Story Project is still open, you know! Teasers for stories two (a Janx story) and three (a Biali story) are available!…
stupid list keeps getting longer
Not that I have time to read them, but everybody should recommend one classic (or otherwise free) piece of fiction/non-fiction/whatever that I should go download for my e-reader. :) ereader stuff: – buy the new DKM book & the rest of the CT books in e-format too O.O SQUEE – get 1gb SD card – install updated firmware vaguely work-related stuff: – write review – get boxes for last couple book sets to pack up – sign up for wfc in britain (when i get paid again) – go through…