So we went to see “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”, a play I’ve read and seen the film of but have never seen staged. A review lies below the cut.
A pause to blog.
Yesterday was my birthday. It was also the birthday of many many *many* other fine folk, including but not limited to Esmerel, Silkblade, my ten-years-younger twin Novella with whom I have recently reconnected thanks to FB, Ardian’s little boy, and both Mr & Mrs BurgerEater. Also Marilyn Monroe, Morgan Freeman and Superman. Happy damned birthday to ALL of us! Bellinghman, in wishing me a happy birthday, said “May you achieve all you set out to do this coming year.” I thought that was as splendid a birthday toast as could…
little boys
Dancing! Looking all grown up
This way lies madness.
(oh all right, i can’t stand waiting until tomorrow to post. :)) Back in about, oh, 2007, my friend Fred Hicks/ (known to many of you as one of the great minds behind Evil Hat Productions) referred to the following as a problem: Fred needs to put together a comics universe Fred says, “With the major cities of DREAM CITY, CHARM CITY, and ELECTRIC CITY” Fred says, “DREAM CITY is the Los Angeles analogue, CHARM CITY is your east-coast politics and crime thang, and ELECTRIC CITY is that sort of…
deeply confused
I’m deeply confused about what day it is. Ted’s been working quite a lot, and he started this last stint on Thursday after only one day off, so I somehow am quite convinced tomorrow should be Saturday. I keep expecting to be able to go to the Saturday Market tomorrow, but no, that’s not going to work. Oh, hey, guys, LAST CHANCE! The Brenda Novak Diabetes Auction item of being a major character in my next urban fantasy series closes in TWELVE HOURS! Can you live with yourself if you…