*collapses of cute*

One of my–well, I think technically they’re second cousins, but I tend to go generational for relationships, so: one of my nephews (of which I technically have two but by generational breaks I have, uh. Six. Ten. Thirteen. Fifteen. And four nieces. One one side of the family. I think there’s another two of each on the other side, but I’m not positive. Anyway!) One of my nephews wrote me a terribly cute letter (which he asked his mother to post on FB, trusting it to get to me that…

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thinks to do

I still have so many things to do I’m overwhelmed by even making a list. :p – clean up the computer desk – finish laundry – write 1K on biali story – answer email from faith, nathan, fred – send stories to new subscribers – send the goddamned story to SubPress – make bread – wash diaper wraps If I can get that done today it’ll be a day. *sigh*

mostly movies

$350? Surely starring in an urban fantasy series is worth more than that! Saw a bunch of movies this weekend. “Thor” was far more entertaining than I expected it to be. Chris Hemsworth can run around shirtless aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany tiiiiiiiiiiime he likes, AFAIC. Holy Mama. OTOH, “Fast Five” did not have *nearly* enough (or, indeed, any) half-naked manflesh, which is too damn bad, because Vin Diesel continues to short-circuit my brain and Dwayne Johnson was looking less like a man than a slab of wall that thought it would depart its…

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I got this cute little headbandy do-rag thing which rocks the pinup girl curls like a hurricane. Also, check out the visible line of muscles in my arm. *pats self on back* I have so many things to do I can’t even make a list. Feh. *goes to write*

Brenda Novak Auction!

Some of you may recall that a couple years ago I offered a Tuckerization in the Brenda Novak Annual Auction for the Cure of Diabetes (henceforth referred to as the Brenda Novak Diabetes Auction, although that’s really quite inaccurate). I didn’t do one last year, what with having a newborn and just being too wrung out to think at all. But this year I’m offering another Tuckerization, and this one’s better by far: you, yes, you could be a star in my next urban fantasy series! The pitch: Author CE…

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