I’ve posted the first excerpt from the Jane-Jo crossover story (tentatively titled EASY PICKINGS)!


If I was going to make a Chance costume, the practical and affordable thing to do would be to get a sleeveless black bike jersey and a pair of (as skinny as my thighs would fit into) skinny black jeans and have my mother festoon them with the electric blue stripes. Perhaps there is a faint chance I could locate stompy boots that would both fit and not cost too much. The hair, well, it appears even the relatively cheap clip-in extensions are still expensive if you shop online, and…

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Joanne Walker interview!

Joanne Walker interview & contest running at Faith Hunter’s site! Drop on by to ask your favorite shaman a few questions–and keep checking back all week for story snippets and your chance to win one of three awesome prizes! Prize #1 is a complete set of the Walker Papers (Urban Shaman, Winter Moon, Thunderbird Falls, Coyote Dreams, Walking Dead, Demon Hunts, and Spirit Dances). Prize #2 is a complete set of the Jane Yellowrock books (Skinwalker, BloodCross, and Mercy Blade {Raven Cursed will be out in January 2012, but it’s…

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thinks & thoughts

updated thinks to do: – call to arrange scuba class – get passport paperwork » get another set of paperwork and fill it out without screwing anything up this time *sigh* – fill out passport paperwork – turn in passport paperwork – return jpeterman stuff – send out the last of the books – make dentist appointments – write synopsis – email m. agent – email that other guy – send the damned story to subpress! The good news is, I figured out somewhere to wear this utterly outrageous sailor-style…

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thinks to do tomorrow

– call to arrange scuba class – turn in passport paperwork – return jpeterman stuff – send out the last of the books Oh, holy beans, guys, I finished reading Ursula Vernon’s “Digger” yesterday. If you haven’t read it, you’ll thank me for the three days you’re about to lose to it: Start here.