
I am assured by people of Reasonable Reputation (I’m looking at you, Chaz) that it is not only okay to re-use not just the jars but the actual lids, even off store-bought jam jars, and that this will not cause the lids to not seal and give everybody botulism and kill them horribly. I am assured of this. So if the applesauce gives us botulism and kills us horribly, blame Chaz. :)


There’s a Superhero Fun Run on May 8th, in which they’re trying to beat the Guinness Book of World Records for the number of superheroes who show up to do a 5K fundraiser walk. Obviously this is an ideal opportunity to make a Chance costume. I don’t suppose I can knock off 15 pounds, grow another 8 inches of hair, and get Arms of Steel by then, too… (giant picture of the Chance outfit behind the cut, just in case by some insane reason you’ve been reading this blog and…

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oh yay!

Peter sent this photo of me and Kate at P-Con, which I had been hoping turned out well, and it did! Pity my bow was untied, but oh, I’m delighted! *happydance*!

screwing around

I was just screwing around with one of those professional modify your photograph to improve skintones and things programs. I did one of me, too, but the shot of Deirdre was a much better one to begin with. It’s got a thing against eyebrows, apparently. But I’d always kind of wanted to try that with the photo of Deirdre, anyway, because it’s a good one to start with.

upcoming week-long blog event!

(This is not an April Fool’s joke. :)) Starting Monday, April 4th, I’ll be guest-starring over at Faith Hunter‘s blog, as Jane Yellowrock and Beast interview Joanne Walker. Throughout the week, we’ll be posting story snippets, and on Friday, April 8th we’ll be giving away three prizes on to readers who have commented on both Faith’s and my site over the course of the week. Prize #1 is a complete set of the Walker Papers (Urban Shaman, Winter Moon, Thunderbird Falls, Coyote Dreams, Walking Dead, Demon Hunts, and Spirit Dances).…

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