Teh intarwebs do not want me to own pin-up clothes. Paypal won’t let items paid for through it be shipped to Ireland and Pinupgirlclothing horks when I try to log in. Yes, I have credit cards I could use, or American addresses I could use, but part of the idea of the fun here was to be able to wear, say, this to P-Con, and having something shipped somewhere in America and then to me is certain to not get it to me by then. :p (Of course, if I…
so fantastic i’m incognito
I was out Saturday, half a stone lighter than I was at the beginning of the month thanks to being sick all damned month, wearing my new J. Peterman coat and my Matrix sunglasses and with my hair up, and as we were waiting for the light to change my sister came jogging up across the street. I smiled and waited for her to smile back. Instead she checked for traffic and ran across the street in a broad curve, skipping the corner where I stood to aim for the…
funny ted
The other day while I was out working, I saw a Chinese family with an extremely, extremely cute 7 month old boy. His daddy was wearing a flat cap, and the baby was wearing a matching flat cap, and he was SO ADORABLE he made me want to go home and hug my own baby. I related this to Ted, who said, “Was he as cute as Young Indiana?” I said I thought he had been. “He was probably a Lee, too,” Ted said smugly. :) Then later, possibly that…
lost week
I lose weeks frequently. Typically it comes in the form of being absolutely certain I have another week in the month. This month, however, I’ve been absolutely certain that next Monday is the last day, and I’ve been really sort of freaked out trying to figure out how I was going to get copy edits, a short story, and another 15K done on my book by Monday. Well, the answer was obviously that I *wasn’t*, but anyway, freaking out. So when I realized last night that in fact there is…
Connery Beagle
…so author Doranna Dugin keeps an LJ for her beagle Connery. I heartily dislike journals (and books, for that matter) from animals’ points of view, except for some reason Doranna does a *spectacularly* good job with and I have come to love him through the posts there. She’s posted a sort of summary of his life here, but it’s just that, and doesn’t come anywhere near expressing the joie de vivre that the LJ and Twitter feeds offer. Connery has always been a bit fragile health-wise, and as so often…