for heaven’s sake

Well. That book giveaway post certainly brought out the lurkers. Between, LJ, Twitter and FB, I got something on the order of 200 responses. That makes the dozen books I was going to give away seem sort of paltry. So I’m going to up it a little in proportion to the number of responders on each venue, for a total of 18–3 for, 6 for LJ, 6 for FB and 3 for Twitter. The winners are: Becca, Jennifer, and Linda Henderson! The LJ winners are: technocowboy, skeagsidhe,…

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I am very funny. :) This morning the doorbell rang as I pulled Young Indiana’s diaper off to expose a POOPY BUTT. I went ACK and leapt up to rush to the door because the only reason the doorbell rings at this hour is if there’s a mail delivery! I whipped the door open and said “quick! quick! i’m changing the baby’s diaper!” the poor man apologized and started laughing and handed me the form to sign for BOXES OF BOOKS! Young Indiana came to see what was going on,…

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Yes, I’m a little obsessed. Move on if you do not share my obsession. :) I went into Evans today. Evans is a shop which has clothes starting at size 12, and which claims to carry wide shoes. I’d never inspected the shoes, because the ones in the window are the ridiculous 5 inch heel things that are popular right now, and because the shoes are upstairs and buggies, unlike Daleks, do not levitate. But being buggy-less today, I went upstairs, found a nice looking pair of wedges, and asked…

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I have been shopping. Make no mistake. I do not care for shopping. My idea of an ideal shopping experience is to walk into the first available store, see the perfect item, try it on and be out of there in five minutes. This has happened to me exactly once in my life, so you may extrapolate my general feelings on shopping from there. That said, it was a relatively successful shopping experience. I hadn’t gotten new glasses since before we moved to Ireland, which wasn’t a particularly big deal…

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Old Races Short Story Project

So in preparing to get started on the ORSSP, I got a horrible head cold which has left me exhausted and in a foul mood. No, wait, those two things don’t really have anything to do with one another. Except for my intentions of having the story done by Valentine’s Day being derailed by being sick, which no doubt adds to the bad mood. Anyway, the point actually was that I thought I’d go check out the Old Races story ideas people had requested when I put it up to…

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